Wednesday, June 15, 2011


There were reasons for my improved situation that I was only made aware of on a 'need to know basis'...I guess I only needed to know when I asked...LOL...I had been explained to that the further away from the radiation I got, the easier the chemo would get becuz my head getting fried weakened my body tremendously and I hadn't had the time to recover from it before I had to hit the chemo again. I was waiting for that to happen and #3 seemed to start showing that I thought...after #4 was so much better, it was time to check my progress with a PET scan. It came back pretty good but not as good as I had hoped (which was remission, especially after my oncologist had told me that he expected to get this under control easily and after 3 treatments last year and much worse invasion I showed no signs of cancer)...that wasn't the case this time though and that brings us to today...
Chemo #5 and test results...I had a doctor appointment before chemo today. Doc told me that my results were no signs of activity in my chest cavity or pelvic area....okay....didn't expect there to be...the cancer in my liver was 80% gone...and he was thrilled with that after only 4 treatments...I reminded him of our progress last year after 3 and then I got to find out something new...he had lessened the strength of my last two treatments. He thought the nurses told me and they thought he told me....OOOOOPS....well, that explained the easier time of it and the boost in my appetite. My last labs only showed a 1 on my immunity level and even though I had felt fine and hadn't been sick, he wanted to see it boost to be sure I wouldn't pick up and infection that would be hard for my body to battle in that condition and it obviously worked since my labs today were up (not good but up)...he was also concerned about my eating...I am now down to 115lbs. I did explain to him that that used to be my normal weight and reminded him he had met me 3 months after delivering a baby that I had late in life and gained excessive weight with so he wasn't aware of my 'normal' weight. He agreed but still told me I needed to force feed myself back to eating on a regular basis to get off those horse potassium pills altogether. The man knows how to instill incentive in me...LOL...he also gave me some good news that he feels a few more treatments and get a good PET and it'll be time to give my body a break...he made sure to point out he said, give me a break, and NOT take me off chemo....he realized that he took me off last year and I went straight to surgery for my reconstruction, then found the tumors in my head and took radiation, and then went straight back to chemo for this relapse. My body needs a break as soon as possible. That was glorious news....just a bit more and I can take a break!!! Can't wait for that!!

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