Thursday, May 27, 2010

And I thought all my friends only lived in my computer now...

I had an oncologist appointment set for the next Monday so we had the weekend off from medical had been a week since surgery and my surgeon had taken out the staples and drain and I was feeling pretty good...the little bit of post surgery pain I was having was treatable with Motrin instead of Percocet, so we were very happy with that...
I had girlfriends over that Sunday...I had one gf that had just finished her last chemo treatment...she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, opted for a mastectomy instead of a lumpectomy AND she was a fabulous nurse so she was a wealth of support and information (and btw, she had absolutely no genetic markers for this in her family...another good example of needing to be vigilant with regular check ups)...the girls came over and we chatted about where we'd been and where we were was, over all, just what 'the doctor ordered'...I was finally beginning to feel like life was getting back in order...I knew I still had another surgery to go, but we were there...seeing that light!!
After the girls left that night, I was feeling a little apprehension about getting the PET results the next day...what if there was more than we thought, what if, what if, what if...I had to put that all out of my mind or I'd drive myself crazy...

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