Thursday, May 27, 2010

Uh oh, this ain't normal...

Now from the first treatment I had had a bit of pain in my back and hips but I had first supposed that it was due to the walking I was doing since I had been pretty stagnant throughout my pregnancy. I had stopped by to visit my aunts at the office with the baby and told my GP about it and he explained that it was in fact the chemo getting into my cells and fighting the was a good thru out my first 2 treatments the few times that I felt it, instead of being annoyed by the dull pain, I relished in the fact that my pacmans were workin'. The Sunday after the 3rd treatment was a completely different story tho...I woke up to every fiber of my being felt as if someone had wrapped me head to toe as tight as can be in bandages and then let it ached sooo much and to top it off my mouth was on fire, like when you eat something really hot and it hurts for hours...well, my mouth felt like hamburger meat, it was so wonderful husband took care of things all day but here we were again with me feeling like an inadequate piece of a woman that was breaking down. I think those thoughts ached in my heart almost worse than the chemo did in my cells...we got thru that day tho and I woke up on Monday morning feeling good again...whew, that sucked!
The 4th treatment saw a similar result with the Sunday after being a day from Hades. I got thru it thinking I'd wake up Monday morning just fine, but that wasn't the case this time and Monday morning I was still aching. I fought thru the pain and by that night it was better and I woke Tuesday morning good as new. Hmmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern developing here...
Before my 5th treatment, I spoke to my doctor about it to make sure there wasn't something more I needed to be doing. He explained it was just the fact that the meds were building up in my system and this was the affect of that...great...and I have at least another couple to go...I wondered how much worse it was gonna get...

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