Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pink is my new favorite color!

It's amazing to me how much a little rubber bracelet can put people at ease. I started wearing breast cancer bracelets a few weeks ago and it seems that opened the flood gate to questions...I know some people who go thru this want to keep it private but considering the fact I'm writing a blog on the internet I guess it goes without saying that I'm very vocal about my journey. Awareness is the key and I will shout that from the rooftops. I love my little bracelets. My kids wear them, my husband wears one, and I've given out a couple dozen of them along the way. People see my bald head or a bandanna tied around it and wonder, but they see my bracelet and it's like it opens the door for them to ask and gives me the opportunity to share whatever part of my journey might be beneficial to them...early detection if it's a young person I'm talking to, the importance of spousal support if it's a man, whatever the subject needs to be...I'm linking myself to this little website 'The Long Road Home' cuz they have a few cute little different bracelets they're selling...the messages on them are different but the pink color still screams cancer warrior! Check them out if you get a minute on my links page and know that they support Susan G Komen with their proceeds!
There's nothing sexier for my husband to wear than his 'Real men wear pink' tshirt!

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