Tuesday, June 29, 2010

...today was another small step for mankind...okay, just for me...

So I had my last 'big dawg' chemo today...by that, it was the last chemo I take of this particular cocktail...I've been told by my doctors and nurses that I've been on the harshest meds they do and we stretched it to 7 treatments (they say they'll only usually do 6 max on people) cuz my body was handling it and reacting to it so well...there are days I'm not so sure I agree with that...now we're onto 3 (actually my oncologist said 2 or 3, but we've gotten to know him well enuff to know to always lean towards the bigger number with him) maintenance chemo sessions. They will still be 3 weeks apart so there goes the concept that maybe I could get my reconstruction over the summer, but oh well, that's just a bit longer I have to actually make that decision. The nurse told me today that there are no nausea side effects for the next sessions but the pain factor doubles...errrrrr, there are a few days each treatment that I feel like every joint I have is swelling thru my skin and most of the cells I have are on fire....double that?!? I could of done without that info, I think...kinda makes me nervous...we'll be back to the first treatment when we sat around for a few days waiting for something to happen & I just hope it's EXACTLY like that one cuz nothing ever did...
My hair on my head is starting to grow back a bit...I'm fuzzy with some very big sprinkles of gray...I deserve them, I think...my eyelashes are starting to grow back as well...not enuff to put mascara on yet, bummer, but we'll get there...I love my mascara! However, on the nose hair front, they're still gone...bigger bummer...LOL
So for now, we're takin' our (and by that I mean I'm taking & hubby is reminding) nausea meds & trying to stay hydrated and waiting til Saturday to start eating Motrin like Pez to try to stay ahead of the pain...so far, so good...


  1. I Had ny birthday mamogram last week..the hospital called me and said the rad found two spots of concern on my left breast with enlarged milk ducts..I go tomorrow for another magnified view of both they said the radiologist will give me the answers..so will I sleep tonight? probable not.. but I keep telling myself this is a good thing..but I don't know..what do they do after this..how can they tell it it is cancer just by magnifing it? Has any one else started this..I don't feel a lump..thy say it far inside and small..I asume this is good news..any ideas?

  2. The good news is that either way, this is early detection...if it's nothing, then you know it's nothing...if it's something, you are on your way back to health immediately...if it is cancer, then know it's just one step at a time and (after initial shock, paranoia, anger, & fear) then it's time to just do what has to be done knowing each step of the way is one more step closer to your strength...my email address is greeneyedshedevil@hotmail.com...feel free to contact me with any questions I might be able to help with...& let me know what you find out!! Good luck & prayers to you!

  3. I know I don't know you Lee Ann, but marrijuana will give you the munchies and make you eat to give you your strength that you will need for the pain and to recover. I know alot about the medicinal effects and the mile stones that cannibus has. Ask your doctor about it because alot of folks say when they are on it helps in so many ways.. They call it gods miracle plant. 100% all natural. The governmnet doesn't wan't us to know about the healing effects of what it can do for any living creature of this earth. Check it out and do your own research. I did loose my mother to breast cancer on 9-21-01 ten days after 9-11. I was destroyed and felt I had died and gone to hell. I loved my mother and she never got to see the postive results that cannibus can achieve for cancer patients and all other diseases in patients too. The public is afraid of the old myths that the government said and that it was a mind altering drug that makes you go insane. Well I am sorry, but excuse my french. That's Bull ****!!!! You will and I know that you'll survive because your a strong woman and open to the good Karma of energy and possibility. I posted my mothers blog if your interested on face book in support of breast cancer awareness. Take care and let light and love lead you the way.


    Ryan Blake
