Sunday, June 06, 2010

What the future brings...

So I have my 6th chemo treatment in two days...don't know what that means exactly cuz we started this process with the fact we'd do 6 then maintenance chemo...the last trip to my oncologist he wanted me to get an echo and said we'd determine from there if we'd do 1 or 2 more. My echo came back good so I would assume this would be my 2nd to the last. One of my meds is a 'big dog' and can damage the heart. I'm told I can only take it once in my life so we want to get as much of it in me as my body can handle now. In one sense I hope this is my last treatment cuz I would really like to get this all behind me, but on the other hand, there is something comforting being on chemo cuz I know there's meds coursing thru my veins that is fighting the disease in my cells. It's also kinda nerve wracking to know we're almost to the point of needing to do another PET scan...sometimes ignorant bliss is more peaceful...there's no reason to think it won't come back as great as the last one I took but for the rest of my life I'll be doing PET scans and waiting to see if the enemy has returned. It's like living in a continuous state of anxiety...

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