Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy anniversary to us!

Today is my 2nd wedding anniversary! It's funny cuz 'they' say that the first year of marriage is the hardest...yeah, whatever...that may be true for those who don't go thru finding out you're having a baby at 40 AND having cancer all in the second year...
Breast cancer is thought of so much as a 'chick' disease but it's ridiculous how much it affects so much more than just the patient...your spouse, kids, extended family, friends...the list goes husband has been so much more than incredible in this crazy crisis...since day one he's been venomous in defending my health. I know that he was as scared as I was when he found out what we were facing...we'd only been married a year and a half and he was facing losing his wife and not knowing if his newborn son would have a Mom to raise him...his emotions were just as crazy, spastic, and raging as mine...but he kept it together...and not just kept it together, but wouldn't for one minute let ME not focus on the positives. He has stood strong thru soooo much adversity that added to the ridiculousness of our cancer journey as well...he is simply amazing! The mind has so much control over the body and I can't imagine if I didn't have him to keep me focused and uplifted, where my health might be and I truly credit him for helping to save my life! Adversity can kill a relationship if the partners can't come together and learn to fight the fight (whatever it may be) as a team and so many times couples get torn apart during those times...I am so truly blessed to have a man that wouldn't let me shut down, shut anyone out, or give up on myself...his strength has been part of my therapy! Though 2/3 of our kids are away right now and we don't have one extra penny for romantic dinners out or presents, when I kissed him goodbye this morning, I felt so fortunate to just have him in my life, to have and to hold, til death do us part, and becuz of him...I plan on that being a loooooong life!!


  1. Happy Anniversary! I've been in NYC but still have time to check on you. Hope you're well.

  2. Thanks Sheri!! Yep, read you were lunchin' with Becks!! Have a safe trip!
