Friday, September 03, 2010

Hit by a truck...

It's strange to me that my oncologist gave me 7 rounds of chemo meds he called 'the strongest stuff' we could put into my body &, I'm not saying it was easy, but it wasn't a fourth as bad as these 'maintenance' meds. The nurse warned me before the first one that the side effects of these were pain but the first 2 rounds of them I took were, to say the least, a piece of cake compared to this last one. I'm assuming that the meds have just built up in my system so it's wreaking some serious havoc on any bad stuff left in my body. My fingers & toes tingle & are numb. My feet feel like I just jumped off the roof onto a concrete floor with no shoes. My stomach has been turning for 2 days. My joints all ache like they're on fire. It's crazy! I also have this wonderful eye condition that I get normally called ocular migraines. My vision goes into this tunnel state where I can only see directly in front of me. It only lasts about 15 minutes if I can lay down & shut my eyes, but the headache I get later is brutal. It's not an actual migraine, thank Goodness, but it sucks nonetheless. Well, I guess these meds trigger those too cuz usually I only get them maybe once every other month or so but I've had like 4 of them in the last couple days. I'm trying to look on the bright side of all this cuz first and foremost, I'm hoping this is the last chemo I have to take, but also becuz my experience with chemo has been so easy compared to the majority of people who take it. It's hard to look on that bright side when every fiber of my body is aching, but I'm trying....

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