Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunshiny days to come...

I have some of the most wonderful people in my life!! I've expressed love for my family & friends that have helped us out along the way but I wanted a chance to extend that story a bit...
first, we have a local sports show here in town and the guys & gal that do it are friends of mine from way back...they have decided to have a car wash (calling it Bubbles for Boobies, how cute!!) in my honor next month. Now we're not paupers or anything & hubby has a nice new job but in the interim of getting acclimated in it, our bills are more than tight with all the additional medical stuff from my cancer. These guys have come to the rescue right in the nick of time and have so generously donated their time & efforts for me & my family. We couldn't be more touched! Many of my friends have been posting and passing the word for this event...it's been heartwarming to say the least and have really lifted my spirits to see how many people care about us! It's been a wonderful addition to my treatments to have these people hold me up as well lessen the financial burden on us a bit...very healing to the soul, thus the body!!
Another wonderful thing that I mentioned before is the benefit that's being thrown in August. I have been bestowed the very special position of honorary member of a team that's walking the Komen 3 Day for the Cure in October by a very special lady that I actually just met in person last week. We have a mutual friend that told her my story and she just took it to heart. She asked me to participate in this fundraiser for the Komen Foundation as the emcee, as well as to share my story to help raise awareness for Komen. We're having food, drinks, a couple of fantastic bands stocked with musicians that have been friends of mine for years. These guys have donated their time and energy to many benefits I've thrown over my years in the bar biz and now are doing it for my cause...I'm so lucky to have such talented and generous friends! I am sooooo looking forward to actually be able to put it out there in person for people and to help them understand that just a little bit goes a long way in aiding the fight for life!! If you actually live in the area of Lakeland, Florida, hit me up with an email for advanced tickets to this event cuz it's gonna be a blast!

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