Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The weirdest things...

For the last couple of weeks, my big toes (toenails in particular) have ached like someone hit them with a hammer...at first I thought I had ingrown something or anothers but then I noticed it was across the whole nail bed when I pressed on them...they were, & still are very painful...I was worried I picked up some kind of fungus but didn't have a clue where it would of came from. I decided not to do anything until I saw my doctor which was today. He informed me that it was a side effect of the chemo. They had told me in the beginning that the meds could cause my nails to get brittle but that never happened. He said lots of people complain of sore toenails...interesting...my hair fell out in two weeks but it took my toenails 19 weeks to care...lol...
I had my first of at least 3 maintenance chemo treatments today. I've been on 4 and 5 meds that took about 2-1/2 hours to put in me. Today I only took one and it took 4 hours to drip through....crazy stuff...I'd of asked why but I was taking my nap and was happy that it was a bit extended now...one must have their priorities straight...LOL...anyway, the side effects from this is pain not nausea...since I've had little side effects thus far, my doctor says I may not have any more pain than I have had and that the effects should come in the same time frame as the last 7 so I should be good by next week if I have any problems at all. I'm feeling good thus far and haven't even taken any Motrin today...I do have Tylenol 3 and Percocet on back up though just in case.

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