Saturday, February 18, 2012

New doc & more new of the old stuff...

So I don't know if I've mentioned it but my original oncologist left the practice...I started seeing a new one that I don't think is actually far off from my age. He is the one who thought we needed to get me off the chemo I was on cuz I'd been on it since the beginning. We tried a new kind for a while February 2012, my newest PET scan showed that the tumors in my liver grew. Cancer shouldn't grow thru chemo, but alas...I also had a follow up MRI...hey, guess what?!? More bad news...small tumors back in my brain but this time, all over & now centralized...I was completely deflated & scared to death. Thank God for my Dad & stepmom cuz without them, I am not sure what kind of basketcase I would've turned into that weekend I got those reports. I also had my daughter's 20-something year old sister & husband walk in that Friday night & tell me they were moving into help me. My girl & I were having problems getting things handled with school & appointments & them coming in was just overwhelming to me! I was in way over my head by myself...

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