Saturday, February 18, 2012

Plan of action...I'm ready!

So after consulting with each other, my radiologist decided she was gonna handle my head & my oncologist would tackle my was a very busy week of doctors and tests and appt but at the end of it, we had a plan...back on steroids & hit the radiation. I went on the steroids immediately cuz my brain was also swollen & it would help that, which it did in the first 2 days...thank God that the roids were doing obvious positive things to me cuz they were rough last year & I was dreading them so bad. The relief they were bringing me this time in the pain though were making them worth any of the oncoming side effects I knew I was gonna get soon. Doc said we could treat my head with just steroids for a while but to be the most aggressive, going back & doing more whole head radiation could be done....I told her I wanted aggressive & funny enuff, she's been with me long enuff to have already scheduled it up cuz she knew that would be the road I'd want...okay, plan for the head treatments are made...3 weeks of whole head radiation...Monday thru Friday & then scan & see...
Now for the liver...I met with my oncologist & he came in so positive about his course of action, I couldn't help but be...he still wanted to get me away from chemo...ok, but I wondered how if my tumors were growing....he explained....he wanted to do a procedure like the one they do when they go in up your thigh to unblock clogged veins in the heart but do kinda the opposite...they would go in up my leg to my liver & blast the veins that had developed around these tumors to feed them & kill them, thus starving the tumors & killing them least that was the theory, but dang, he was so certain this was gonna work...I was kinda excited about it since it would mean, if it did, I would be off chemo all together!! I was signed in for that immediately....he explained I could have the procedure done even while I was doing radiation cuz it was an outpatient thing...I'm thus far scheduled for a consultation next week to get it all pulled together...

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