Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time to chop chop!

We went back to see the specialist a couple of days later for her to see that draining it with a needle didn't seem to be doing anything but immediate result. She decided that it was time to say surgery, something she told me at the first visit she wanted to avoid to keep me from loosing so much of my breast tissue and being lopsided...I was thrilled to her surprise cuz this just meant the end...take it out, I didn't care about the aesthetics of it. My husband didn't care about it either, we just wanted this nightmare to be over...she scheduled surgery for the next Tuesday morning and decided to put a drain in me for the weekend to give me relief from the I left with this tube that was inserted into the side of my breast that had a bulb at the end of it, hanging from me...she gave me this velcro tube top to wear that would hold me very tight to allow the cyst to be smashed flat and the fluid to did, at least, give me some relief from that pressure, but I had to wear this tube top 24/7 and drain the bulb as it filled up. I spent the next 3 days doing just that...30ccs, 40ccs, 25cc's...every few hours, drain...the fluid coming out of it was mostly clear but sometimes it did have a light haze of blood in it....I know that's graphic but it'll mean something later on down the road to know that...

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