Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A walking veggie tale...

I spent a few days with cabbage leaves wilting in my bra...this wasn't seeming to be accomplishing anything though...I was in so much pain that I would wake up in the middle of the night with felt as if someone had pumped my breast with 10 pounds of concrete...gravity was not my friend...if I laid down, I was in agony, if I stood up, forgeddaboutit!!! I had to literally hold my breast's weight with my hands to rise and when I would slowly let loose of it, it was searing pain! My husband was having to get up with our newborn more times than not becuz I just couldn't take it....LITERALLY, the pain was almost just too much to bear! My left breast now was growing to be double the size of the right one and it had a huge lump in it that was hard as a rock...there was nothing coming out of my nipple, no milk, no leakage whatsoever, so I decided it was time to tell the doctor that the leafy suggestion was a bust. I called the office and spoke to the nurse, describing everything in grand detail that I had been going thru...she spoke to the doctor and returned my call...he said keep trying the cabbage...oh, and I should rub it! RUB IT?!?! It hurt to look at and he expected me to squeeze it...imagine if you can, someone running a jagged rusty knife across your belly and then for fun grinding some sea salt in it....okay, he's the doctor...I'll try anything for some relief!! Off to rub...


  1. At my obgyn office, there is 6 doctors. There is ONE doctor I don't like and that's because I don't think he even cares to listen to the patient any longer. I've had a ongoing issue for almost 2 years now. And the few times I have seen "this" doctor, he isn't willing to even look ay my chart and listen to the history I've had; but rather give me another script for cream. I am very frustrated with it.

    No, its not even close to what you've gone through, but I wish doctors would stop worrying about how many patients they can squeeze into the working day and start LISTENING to our ailments. There might actually be a few of us that have real health issues, that just happened to be hidden by other situations [such as a blocked milk duct]. Which, benefit of the doubt to the doc, could very well have been your issue. But your doc didn't even look let alone touch your breast. When I went in for my post appt, I took had a blocked duct, high up in my armpit. It HURT, I mentioned it to him, just in case he'd like to actually feel it...nope. He said it was a duct and it would go away [this is the same doc that wants to toss scripts at me rather than trying to find the root of my issue].

    I am glad that you sought out a second opinion. And you are right, blogging could be very theruputic [sp].

  2. You definitely want to teach your children and encourage your loved ones to give creedence to their intuition. This is terrible!
